The STC Masterpieces wouldn't be possible without so many people:
The original writers, artists, colourists, letterers, editors, feature writers, reviewers, reporters at Sonic the Comic.
You rule so much! Also, some of the graphics used at the headers of these pages were made by talented STC artists. Thanks
to that.
The awesome people at Sonic the Comic Online that continued the amazing series. Ed Reynolds, Mike Corker and 'Tom' -
the readers of STC are forever in debt to you. Thanks to CharlesRB for taking on the editorial role. Thanks also to Mike personally,
if it was indeed him that created the new STC logo.
The vast number of spriters involved! Individuals in each comic are credited on the respective page, but this site would
look dreary without their help. Thanks especially to Lakit, Retro, Minicle, Hysteriabrat, Candygirl, Chaos X3, Sin Scorpion,
DSC, Ben2K9, SSC, Blizzard, Ashura, BenTH, Hyperdude, Kintobor, Turbotails, Lukio, Venomtoad, C.C, Dave, Heavy Megatal, HMS and
so many more! They might not mean a lot to you, but they are the godsends of STCOSSCACC! *worship*
Hatter, Ezekiel and the crew at STC Archive. Without you, I wouldn't have the scripts for issues previous to #37. Huge
thanks to you and your scanners.
Finally - you. The Boomers who are reading this (or not). Without you, I'd have just spent a couple of weeks of work
for no reason whatsoever! So let me know if you liked it or loathed it, and I'll make damn sure it's better next time around.