Hóla, Boomers!
It's really been over 9 months since the prestigued STC Masterpieces sent you another steaming pile
of new stories and features? Remind me to have words with Megadroid and his Humes later. In the meantime, it's time to dive
right into the second installment of Sonic the Comic's latest adaption!
This month's comic comes free with a badge, displaying everyone's favourite character, Bunneh! (No, this isn't a joke...
-- MD) Print out the page, cut around the edges (ask a parent to help you with scissors, all you young Boomers and suicidal
types) and show the whole world that cuddly toys don't make you any less of a man (or woman -- MD)!
Sad news comes up first on the comic front. After disagreeing with their exhaustingly demanding routine, Team Dark have
postponed the rest of their story, Citadel of Lost Souls, until a later date. This would leave us with only two top-notch
StC stories, but fear not, readers! We've teamed up with The Mobian Sprite Comic to bring you an extra 18 panels an issue!
In addition to that, I (that's Arch, if you were wondering), make my own appearance, in this issue's Arch comic.
I think there was something else...oh yes, there's a fantastic roll call of features gracing your prescence this time
around, with a review of Shadow the Hedgehog and news on the recently released Mega Drive game!
STC-M still needs your input, guys and gals! We want your letters, drawings, stories, hints, tips, high-scores - anything
that'll make STC Masterpieces an even more entertaining read! You'd better be here this time next month, cos there'll be a
HUGE Sonic poster available to download. You say we don't do anything for you?
-- Arch (and Megadroid)
Arch (and Megadroid!)
STC - a roaring success!
Creator of the Robot Royal Rumble and DSC Chronicles comics to name a few, plus reader of The
Mobian Sprite Comic, Nick the Dragon (aka DSC) remembers back to his days of picking up his first printed Sonic the Comic.
"I first started collecting StC since Issue 1, I can't remember how exactly, but I remember being madly
excitable when my mum bought it for me."
Sonic the Comic went into production shortly after the release of Sonic 2 for the SEGA Mega Drive. From
the off, Europe's official SEGA comic offered reviews of the newest games, news surrounding the blue hedgehog and tips on
how to crack those most difficult of games. Not content with that, it also contained rip-roaring action stories involving
current SEGA 'Superstars' as well as the Blue Blur himself.
"I guess my fondest memory would be that there was a SONIC. COMIC. that offered all of this amazing stuff
in it," continues Nick. "For a youngun', dreaming about winning the first competition [with a Mega CD as a prize] was
mana in heaven!"
He wasn't the only one to repeat these sentiments and the comic continued for over many years until problems
behind the scenes made it crash after it sunk into 100% reprints. Fortunately, a hard-working team where devising a 'webcomic'
that would eventually spawn into what's also known as the 'unofficially official STC continuation'.
"I do believe I was browsing around Sonic HQ at a webcafé and there it was: the newspost saying about new
issues...needless to say, that link was hammered!"
Nick also has fond memories of Sonic the Comic #3 and the artwork featured in the main Sonic story by the
recently-deceased Casanovas. However, he doesn't share his affection with all the old StC staff.
"If I was the editor at StC, I would have brought in someone to work with Lew Stringer...or replace him.
I'm not too fond of the garbage he served up as stories."
The Sonic Top-5
Top 5 Introductions ~ Shadic
5. Shadow the Hedgehog
4. Sonic Shuffle
3. Sonic Riders
2. Sonic Adventure
1. Sonic CD
The Non-Sonic Top 5
Top 5 Japanese Singers ~ Devo
5. Aki Maeda 4. Iwao Junko 3. Megumi
Hayashibara 2. Yuki Kimura 1. Ayumi Hamasaki
STC Masterpieces now urges you to go find out who these vocalists are, cos we sure don't have any idea!