There's many, many sites out there that you won't have seen. Probably more than I have. But fear not. Here are a view
of mine, and the reader's, favourite palces to visit.
Sonic the Comic Online - doesn't need too much explanation. This place gave me back years of my life. Visit it even if you didn't read the
originial StC, just to see the great writing and art of some great people. Oh and there's a forum too!
STC Archive - scans of the original printed comic by Egmont Fleetway
The Demented Cartoon Movie - OMG! T3h randomness! Seriously, this is the only flash cartoon I recommend, if you have half an hour to spare.....
Burnt Face Man - the hilarious new adventures of a superhero with a burnt face. From the creator of Salad Fingers.
STCOSSCACC - The Spriting forum of STC-O that plays host to several great sprite comics.
Please Don't Feed The Animals! - Sprite comic by Retrogamer, detailing the daily lives of the notorious Team Dark. Expect lunacy and chaos from these
nutters as they orbit Mobius in a floating deathtrap. As once hosted on The Mobian.
Hullabaloo - The newest comic on the scene and briefly hosted on The Mobian, this comic by Hysteria has already recieved rave reviews
and has potential to win Best Comic at the next awards. Also features appearances from my friends IRL.
Sprites in Limbo - Created by Madhair, clearly the most notorious guy in the world, this look into the Purgatory of Mobius earned him the
Funniest Comic award in the Second Spriter's Choice Awards. Rightly so.
More to come.