Lo and behold, I managed to update in the midst of all this revising (no exams tomorrow, you see). I was hoping to get
Issue 46 done tonight as well, but I sincerely can't be bothered.
Members of STCOSSCACC will know I got a metaphorical kick up the jacksie the other day. The boot came from Sin Scorpion
and the pain made me realise The Mobian wasn't pulling it's weight. What you have just viewed is the beginning of the last
multi-parter of the season. Once Season 4 begins, you'll be (hopefully) reading more concise stories, with much more impact.
I've already planned out the first 3 issues.
For news on going's on around the spriting community and more on The Mobian's affliates, look around the News and Linkage
section of this site. Till #46, g'night, folks.
-- Arch