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Sonic and the Black Knight Preview
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The Mobian casts a dubious eye over the forthcoming Wii adventure, Sonic and the Black Knight.


We’ve heard our first news about Sonic the Hedgehog in 2009 and The Mobian doesn’t think it’s brilliant. Sonic and the Black Knight brings Sonic back into the realm of the storybook in a sequel to 2007’s Sonic and the Secret Rings. Once again exclusive to the Wii, Sonic is controlled by the Wii Remote and Nunchuk but this time he’s not just running left and right with (rather frequent) homing attacks. This time he’s armed. With a sword…


Yes, all those people who laughed when Shadow picked up a gun and went on a rampage can now take a step back as Sonic rips through Medieval England in a bit to stop a rather insane King Arthur, calling himself the Black Knight. This time, the advisor role is taken by female sorceress Merlina (it would be Merlin, but the blue superstar only works with ladies these days) and, for some reason, only a sword will stop the evil King. There’s not a whole lot more information available; a waggle of the Wiimote will slice down enemies without stopping, though in certain circumstances you have to stop completely and attack multiple times with your blade. Great!


When I first saw this news, I thought it was an absolute joke. Admittedly, The Mobian first stumbled across this on Wikipedia, so naturally I was dubious. Sonic, clad in armour and wielding a giant sword Cloud Strife would be jealous of, looks ridiculous. However, the news is true thanks to the official SEGA announcement so we just have to get used to it. And I suppose I am; I thoroughly enjoyed Secret Rings on my first playthrough but the missions were extremely boring. Hooray then that the missions will be less tedious, apparently. Boo however that missions will be scattered within the levels and you can possibly complete a mission way before the end of the level. Sounds like Shadow the Hedgehog to me, so I can imagine several missions where you have to find something scattered through the whole level. Brilliant!


So, I probably won’t by this a year from now; at The Mobian we’ve got Sonic Chronicles and Sonic Unleashed but no doubt we’ll get a play of this sequel in the Storybook series. We’ll get some new news on this in no time and some opinions from the denizens of STCOSSCACC.

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