Arch: When did you begin spriting and writing comics and what inspired you to
do so?
Madhair: If I recall
correctly (Which is unlikely) my first exposure to the wonderful world of spriting was on a Megaman site lost to the ages,
which carried a series of massively unfunny sprite comics. This must have been 4 or 5 years ago... it basically led to the
discovery of and, both of which carry massively good comics and features. Life of Wily led
on to my first attempt at a sprite comic, which was called Megamania. I made 100 issues, some of which were pretty damn good,
but lost them all to a HD erasure >.< I filched some of the jokes for Phonics and Nicholls though. I am sneaky weasel.I
have been drawing and writing comics and other such bollockry for about 16 of my 18 years alive, and have almost never thrown
any of them away. My drawn stuff predates my spriting by sme years, obviously.
Where did the personalities of Phonics and Nichols come from? They're both particularly
unique characters.
Heh. Well, Phonics
started off as your oh-so-hilarious gay character and evolved - his gayness was played down and his sort of insecurity played
up - Nicholls didn't really have a personality... You're stupid. He was just an aggressive guy with crap fashion sense. I'm
just gonna ignore this question and answer a different one. Where did the names come from, you say? Well, that's an interesting
one. I babysit a seven year old autistic boy - he rocks and is a MASSIVELY HARDCORE Sonic fan. When he was six he couldn't
pronounce "Sonic and Knuckles"... it's because of him the characters are named what they are.
How did the idea for Sprites In Limbo come about?
One day I just got
so fucking high - I woke up the next morning in bed with a thousand nuns and I had converted to catholicism for some unknown
reason. I was then lectured for a while by the Pope, who warned me I was going to Hell - however I found a loophole (It involved
Andrew Lloyd Webber, don't ask) which managed to condemn me merely to purgatory. Having learned of this, I thought how fucking
funny it would be to have the Sonic characters in purgatory.
Nah, the truth is I was trying to think of an excuse not to draw backgrounds.
And it just jumped out of my cesspool of a brain somehow.
The plot (yes, I see one!) seems to have taken a rather dramatic turn lately
with the appearance of Jenny and the 'Who Shot Stu?' saga. Is there a particular reason for this?
Hmm. That's a good question. Well, (And I'll try not to be a
fucktard) Jenny is my girlfriend Rebecca's character and awhile ago before we were together she was fucking harassing me to
put Jenny in, so I did but I made her suffer. This led to pretentiousness - this is gonna sound so fucked up - as I fell for
her so did my SiL counterpart. Fucking sad, really, isn't it? Seriously, Becky's helped me conceptualise the comic since the
babies first appeared and I really couldn't have it where it is today without her. Love you becky ^.^ Okay enough of that.
Another reason for the departure from nob gags is that SiL is a subversive comic - I try and break the rules. I just want
to see what the fans (Listen to me, I sound like a right prick) will let me get away with. Stick with me, folks, the comic
ain't becoming a fucking romantic allegory and the nob gags aren't going away.
Out of all the comics and projects on your SACSOFT site, which is your personal
favourite? While we're on the subject, where did the website get it's name?
Right, I'll answer the latter question first - SACSOFT began
in year 9. Me and my fine, fine friend Cai Wingfield were in the business of developing completely fabricated games and we
needed a name for our company - it was SAC (Stu and Cai). The Soft is from Software, obviously. Though we don't develop any
software the name sticks.
My favourite? That's a tough one. They all have value to me.
SCR is the most prolific, with over 200 issues of multiple pages each but I never upload them - too personal. Phonics and
Nicholls is an achievement for me in that it is something I have actually finished, run through from beginning to end. Although,
in terms of creative freedom, my favourite project has to be Pointy Kitty.
I can do light hearted, dramatic or just fucked up and people
eat it up. Yeeees. Chew, you mindless bastards, chewwww. I mea, I have received PK fanart. FANART. That's the ultimate expression
of series love. Yeah, PK wins.
You give Sin plenty of stick in Sil and on the STCOSSCACC forum to name a few;
does your online relationship match that of your real world one?
Yes. I fucking hate
Sin, he's a colossal cunt with no bloody respect for his obvious superiors, myself included. I can tell you some interesting
facts about Sin:
First, he's a Nazi. A true Nazi.
He is directly responsible for all conflict and suffering in
the world.
Also, he collects aborted foetuses, freeze dries them and stimulates
his prostate with the remains.
Nah, just kidding, Sin and I are very much in love.
What's your opinion of the promotional details released for Neo Painlkiller?
Haha, you're kidding
What a pile of congealed jism. That Sin has his head up his
Nazi arse. And including me as the A.I. OBVIOUSLY I'm the intelligence. Finally I get some recognition.
Why is the sprite form of your fan character, 'Stu' in 8-bit form?
Because it's easier
to edit than a 32 bit sprite. Next question.
You're working with Retro on the new Zero: Heroism comic as a co-writer. Between
you and me, who really is it that provides the comic's input and do you like the story so far?
The story is excellent
- Retro's a really good idea man. It's just a shame PDFTA is so shit compared with SiL. I mean, Best Comic? COME THE FUCK
ON! You want Retro? I gave you Retro! I gave you him sodomizing Tails!
Anyway, i'm essentially a script doctor - plus my repulsively
vast reservoir of Megaman universe info is a bonus. Retro writes good scripts, and i make 'em better. I hope he's not offended
by the way I put that.
Are you pleased with your haul of awards at the recent Spriter's Choice Awards?
No. It's bullshit.
That Best Comic award was rightfully MINE.
"Obviously humour escapes you..."
That comment prompted you to mention your 'Funniest Comic award' on STC-Online,
surely that one means something to you at least?
anymore. Fuck you.
Finally, I have come to a natural end where I wish to ask you no more questions,
other than what are your last words of advice are to people reading this interview?
Hey, kids! You don't
wanna be here reading The Mobian! What a piece of shit! You wanna be at - where the action is! Also, free
Just gotta say to the kids that if hentai is wrong, I don't
wanna be right.
Plus, explicitly requested by Madhair - a conversation recorded between himself and one
Sin Scorpion.
=][Sin Scorpion][= says: Why the hell do you keep thinking about my wang??!?
madhair60 - I am a lucky little bastard. says: ...
madhair60 - I am a lucky little bastard. says: It was all i could think of on friday
=][Sin Scorpion][= says:
madhair60 - I am a lucky little bastard. says: Becky's like "Stu, what's wrong?"
=][Sin Scorpion][= says: STOP TALKING
madhair60 - I am a lucky little bastard. says: And I just sat there and sighed - "It's Sin's tackle. I... It
just coils round and round in my mind, suffocating my brain with its genitalian flexibility."
madhair60 - I am a lucky little bastard. says: And then we just sat, for hours. In silence.
=][Sin Scorpion][= says: NOT LISTENING TO YOU
madhair60 - I am a lucky little bastard. says: I moved to kiss her, but she pulled away. I saw a tear.