(A shorter interview due to time restrictions)
Arch: How long have you been spriting and writing comics, and what influenced you into doing it?
Kintobor: Um right, well just over a year being toying with the idea of a comic, and the infleunce, umm lack of drawing
skill and Dan Baxter's comic
Of all the comics, adaptions and sagas you've created, which has been your personal favourite?
Probably alien vs sonic, that or the biochicken/biosonic stories
What was the inspiration behind Biosonic, a particular fan favourite?
He was the result of an couple of ideas, firstly, the idea of harmonic energy and basicly the idea of the biochicken was
something i liked but i wanted to make the idea more personal, and i liked the idea of a lost soul.
Heh and i wanted to add some humour, forgot that, which was a main motivation for him
How different is working with Turbotails on the Deathstare comics to working on your own with K.S.C.?
A lot, he gets very uptight about a character i'm working on, Jess. But yeah we work well off each other and was a logical
move from Mobius the comic, it gives me more freedom then K.S.C which is a real surprise, but Turbo's great, when we meet
to talk about deathstare it's always a laugh.
How impressed are you with your own fan character's sprites, 'Kintobor'?
Extremely unimpressed, I really don't like them, but to really make an impact the way others have, i need a set sheet,
both for my comic, for your competion, deathstare and myself.
I think the hatred I have for them is the driving force to make my new sprites rock.
Is there a reason you haven't continued with your drawn comic, featuring many members from STC-Online?
Yes and no, to be honest the prep for a.s, youth parliment, stc forum, yak, byf,... well i could go on about my commitments,
but something had to give, and that was taking the most time that i could finsh easily, but with a potenital artist working
with me now, i hope to restart in the summer and make it much better, proper art and all.
Deriving from the sprite/comic side for a moment, what drove you to put yourself forward for the UKYP and has it been worth
your while?
Well it was somthing that was out there, and me and my friends had been ignored when we asked about a skate park, and at
the time i didn't actully think i would get, but I wanted someone who actually wanted to make a difference to get in, and
the school offered it to a favourite with asking, I didn't think that was on so applyed myself.
As to if it's worth while, I've made a bunch of new friends and been abroad, but i think it was too much pressure and a
lot of other projects have had to pay the price
As I find myself short of time, I'll have to finally end on a summarizing question:
Collecting all your sprites, sprite comics, drawn comics and projects together, are you pleased with the way things have
gone over the last year or two?
No.... i know i can do better and thats my aim in the next year.