The Mobian Sprite Comic


The Mobian '2'
The NSD Mobian
Fan Art
The STC Masterpieces

Sprites from, and of, The Mobian's ARCH!

Homemade Sprites
(Please note, you must click on the titles of each sprite sheet to view the sheet, except for Arch Advance 4, which is obviously viewable right away).

The first in the series of Tails recolours I like to call 'Arch'. Note that many of the poses are pure blackly coloured - the first version of my character.

FUN FACT: Arch was originally the start for an Ebony sprite I was beginning to make (Ebony being the magical cat from Sonic the Comic). However, I got bored of spriting and made 'her' into my own character!


Arch Advance 2

The second sheet in the series. Includes my own Genesis Arch (as featured in The Mobian's flashback), a Super Arch plus Spin and his Rainbow friends. The footer joke also contains 2 of my obscurer characters. The next in the series will contain Sonic Battle poses for Ray's (of STCOSSCACC) Online Game.


Arch Advance 3 

The third sheet in the Arch Advance series now has substantially more fighting poses (in Battle-type sprites) and sports a stylish orange number. Still devoid of running poses, this will be rectified by the next Arch Advance sheet.


Arch Sheet 3.3

I've learned to stop calling it 'Advance' now as it contains Battle poses and will soon contain others. Anyway, this sheet gets rid of a few niggling problems on the 3rd Arch sheet. The Battle sprites now have shoes with added purple (though coloured the wrong way round >_<), the original 5 Arch's are no longer jet black and now have the standardised colouring, plus there's a giant Arch sprite. Hooray!


Arch Sheet 4


An Archos

This rebellious chao was a very, very late addition to Hysteriabrat's "Chao Creation" competition. So late, that I didn't even enter it. Still, every self-respecting fan character needs a chao partner and here is one. An angsty chao with no powers to speak of, but handy with whatever he can find.



Not entirely sure what species she is yet (probably a hedgehog), Sarah was the first sprite to be based on one of my RL firends (other than Hysteria and Darkshine, by Hysteriabrat). Featuring in a few Mobians before she was released as a mini-sheet, she's the silent-type who can get rather vicious if pestered. See a full bio on STCOSSCACC.



Another friend of mine, this friendly robot appeared in Revelations as a battle companion for Arch and co. After being crashed into, his circuits went haywire and he found himself attracted to Darkshine; a dangerous move. UB has a vast range of tools inside his armour that allows him to surpass any obstacle with ease. He's also a darn good fencer.


Wonder Wang

STCOSSCACC's very own, Madhair, asked for possible Super forms for his character, Stu. Basing it off old Team Dark Forum ramblings and Stu's fondness of getting naked, here's mine.





Fan Creations

Genesis Arch ~ by Kintobor

Bleeding Arch ~ by Turbotails

Arch's Battle Card ~ by Retro

Arch's Vital Stats ~ by Chaos X3

Running Poses (and then some) ~ by BenTH



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In order of appearance:

Halloween, St Andrews Day, Rememberance Day, Christmas 2004, Illness, Camping debut, plus a neat avatar made by Oz for my STCOSSCACC identity. Thanks, Oz!

What do you think about the site? Is it any good? Is it total bollards? Have I illegally stolen your work? Let me know at